This is an old picture but it brings so many memories of my early parenting years back to my mind. This picture was taken overseas and by the looks of our clothing you can tell that it is cold outside. Hannah was about 2 1/2 years old and I think I was pregnant with Jeremiah which would put us in England. Whew...things are a bit foggy. Nevertheless let me share a piece of my heart with you.
I was not that mom that liked going outside to play. Some moms prefer to be outdoors, they are good at it, some have more energy than the children - lol. The part of being outside that I loved was family walks through the neighborhood. I loved that. I loved sitting or standing on the sidelines watching the boys play flag football or some other sport. But, the park? It was either too hot, too cold or I just wanted to sit and watch the children play. How many of you know that many times the children want you to join them. They don't care if you are pregnant, tired, hot, cold, fed up, or emotional. All they want is your attention, your fellowship. Sometimes they want you to climb with them, run, jump, swing, slide, you name it. It is a part of the parenting agenda. It creates memories. So much can be taught on an escapade to the park.
Dear mom, if you don't prefer the outdoors please know that you are not alone. Don't beat yourself up. Be a living sacrifice. The outdoor experience is for the children. If it takes you 20 minutes to put on coats, boots, scarves and gloves to make snow angels while you are trying to get over a cold, bundle up and go for it. If you are tired and only have 30 more minutes of energy left within, a few minutes in the park will work wonders. Make them run, tire them out. Maybe it is the tea party that you did not want to be invited too, or the plastic army man game that you didn't feel like making sound effects too. Just tap into your inner little kid and make the experience grand! Keep Romans 12:1 tucked away and meditate on it when you are outside counting down the minutes until you get back to the house.
Shalom Aleichem